The Top 10 PRmoment Podcasts of 2022

If you've been living under a PR rock for the past 12 months there's a chance you're not aware of the phenomenal popularity of The PRmoment Podcast. 2022 has seen over 50,000 downloads of the show and today we can reveal our top PRmoment Podcasts of 2022.

Thanks so much to all of our guests this year, you can see the full back catalogue here and subscribe on either iTunes or Spotify

P.S The final PRmoment Awards 2023 deadline is Friday 27th January.

  1. What do CEOs want from their PR people? With PWC's Will Sturgeon
  2. How to pitch successfully? With Kat McGettigan
  3. The UK results of The Edelman Trust Barometer 2022
  4. Do journalists make good PR people?
  5. Your PR measurement decisions: A discussion with Onclusive’s Marcus Gault
  6. The increasing polarisation of society and its implications for communicators
  7. Career stories: Graz Belli, co-founder of Third City
  8. What do clients want from their PR agency? with Daisy Hawker Wallace
  9. What are the important data points behind an organisation’s reputation? With Jon Rhodes, partner at BOLDT.
  10. The secrets to crisis PR that the crisis PR guys don’t know! With top media lawyer Jonathan Coad.

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