The Media Review with Mark Borkowski on the PRmoment Podcast: Musk, Hancock and The World Cup

Welcome to the PRmoment Podcast.

Today we’re chatting to Mark Borkowski in a potentially regular slot where we review some of the biggest stories in the media recently.

For those who don’t know, Mark’s had a stellar PR career, starting as a publicist in the theatre and running Borkowski PR for something like 32 years.

Before we start the PRmoment Awards 2023 early entry deadline is on 16th December, check out the awards site for all the details.

Thanks to the PRmoment Podcast sponsors, The PRCA.

Here’s a summary of what Mark and PRmoment founder Ben Smith discussed:

1.30 mins Mark laments the lack of curiosity in the news cycle currently.

2.30 mins Mark discusses what will happen to PR and to journalism if Twitter fails.

“We are getting a sense of just how important Twitter is to PR and the media”

7 mins Does Mark look at the Elon Musk publicity machine in awe?

“Every generation throws up one enormous personality who is bigger than the media that wants to bring him down!”

“Certain people have that ‘stuff’ - the power to understand who his key audience is…and understand how to make money”

9.30 mins What has Mark made of Matt Hancock’s latest reinvention attempt on I’m A Celebrity?

“The winners out of this are ITV…this is a man in search of a career…he knows his political career is over”

“The power of these programmes is in the (social media) edit”

“The people who come out of I’m a Celeb well are usually comedians or much younger people, more telegenic individuals, who have line and length”

“The audience hasn’t changed their minds about him…he’ll be a low-rate Micheal Portillo. There’s always Panto!”

13 mins Mark gives his perspective about David Beckham and Qatar - has the shine come off Golden Balls?

17 mins Is Joe Lycett better at PR than he is at comedy?

“It was so authentic, it was so well thought through…it captured the media for a good 10-day period”

19 mins Does Mark think that every creative media stunt idea has now been done to death?

“The news agenda and societal and cultural changes refresh the ideas of what a stunt might look like in a specific age. The motivations never change…but it’s the cultural context and where society is both politically and socially that can drive the success of a stunt.”

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