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What is PRmoment Leaders?

Credit: Will Hart, CEO, PRmoment Leaders

I recently wrote here about the upcoming launch of PRmoment Leaders, our new subscription-based learning programme and community launching soon.

Powered by PRmoment, our bespoke personal growth programme has been built specifically for seasoned PR professionals to reach their full potential and become the leaders of the future. It will enable them…

  • To Learn: Accelerate their career progression by increasing strategic knowledge, learning directly from the best people in the industry

  • To Network: Grow their personal networks by meeting and getting to know peers in similar positions across PR and comms

  • To Lead: Enhance their leadership skills in preparation to step and confidently lead high performance teams

We’ve put together a compelling package for students that includes a range of benefits for our students within an academic year format broken into three semesters (May-July, Sept-Nov, Jan-April).

To ensure students gain as much as possible from the programme we will spend time with both them and their agency leaders at the outset to understand specific requirements and skill sets, and to agree personal objectives and desired outcomes. Students will be able to track their progress throughout and gain digital certificate slates to mark their progress. We will also offer them bespoke mentoring where appropriate and beneficial.

To turbocharge their learning experience, we have a calendar of masterclasses featuring experts carefully selected for their authority and communications skills, talking about strategic issues and igniting informed conversation and debate. Each semester will feature six fortnightly masterclass sessions (18 sessions each year).

To facilitate focused discussion and peer-to-peer networking, we are creating two learning communities for our students. Networking will be both virtual, in curated online communities, and in person with events throughout the year bringing our students together.

At launch, we will initially focus on the agency market (link to data capture) and our students will typically be in roles including:

  • Functional leaders or divisional MDs

  • Board Directors

  • Critical to value creation delivery

  • Potential CEO successors

  • Working in businesses at the edge of innovation in integrated comms and marketing

  • Founders of smaller agencies

After a short period, we'll launch an in-house offer. To be kept informed on the launch date and format of PRmoment In-House please fill out this form.

The full PRmoment Leaders package includes:

  • Syllabus of masterclasses on topics designed specifically for PR leaders

  • One day Annual PRmoment Masterclasses conference

  • Twice yearly informal networking events

  • Individual Skills Audit

  • Onboarding Discussion

  • Dedicated Community Manager support

  • Mentor system with honorary members

  • Slack community engagement

  • Access to all PRmoment’s "How To Webinar" recordings in one place.

  • Digital certificate badges to highlight activity milestones and anniversaries.

  • Student activity tracker

Find out more about PRmoment Leaders here.

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