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Good and Bad PR: The old bamboo, Greggs, Taylor Swift and women's football

Here we are again and there is absolutely no time for my usual small talk intro. There has been simply far too much going on in the world of Good and Bad PR.

Eye’s down, let’s go.

Lest we forget, the week Rishi has had

Will historians view the last seven days as the darkest week in Rishi’s tenure? The Tory party already faced an insurmountable battle , and then a series of events moved them even further down the polling.

Farage announced he was standing, and this will undoubtedly split and reduce the Tory vote even further. There was also the case of a SPAD stepping into a pool-network interview being filmed by Sky News with Conservative chairman Richard Holden as they were not happy with the questions…very 1985 Peter Mandelson.

The worst moment had to be the revelation that Rishi left the D-Day commemorations early in order to do election related TV interviews around the Labour £2k tax statements that he made, and that the Treasury came out and rubbished. A terrible week in the media for Rishi and our first Bad PR of the week.

A Nasty Thornaby in women’s football side

Women’s football is on the up. It is on the up in every sense. Attendances, interest, finances, sponsorship fees and TV deal interest. You would really have to be some form of out of touch luddite to not grasp the potential.

Step forward some, so far anonymous, committee members at Thornaby FC in Yorkshire. They have hit the headlines for all the wrong reasons for voting to scrap all their women’s football teams.

To be fair to the chairperson, Garry Morris, he made it clear that he did not agree with the vote decision. The main club sponsors agreed with Morris and have now pulled their deal too.

This could be a quick crisis communications fix for Thornaby FC. They just need to rescind the decision and welcome the teams back, if they actually want to come back. A terrible PR day for Thornaby FC and rare bump in the rocketing rise of Women’s Football.

Never panda to the growing demands of the British garden

This Bad PR story could be great news for the noble Panda. Pandas have slid down the news agenda since the WWF (wildlife, not wrestling) declared that they are no longer “endangered” and were upgraded to “vulnerable”.

This week though, they deserve to be back in the headlines as the remedy to a growing problem in British gardens and homes. Bamboo is going through the roof, literally, in some cases.

Wild bamboo got a hatchet job in The Guardian after it was revealed that it can and is growing through railway sleepers and even breeze blocks to ruin British homes.

My plan (I am a PR and not a qualified landscape gardener) is simple. I would release Pandas into the wild of Britain and let them chew through the problem. Imagine the scenes across the inner-city landscapes of Wolverhampton to Glasgow as Pandas roam free, helping to rid our overly landscaped gardens of the sharp and pointy weed. No bad can come of this genius plan.

I may set up a crowd-funding campaign to get a few shipped over from wherever they naturally live. Thoughts?

Estrella boss gets Mad(ri) over knock-off Spanish beer

A double whammy of Bad PR for Yorkshire based brands as its Molson Coors beer factory faced criticism from Spanish lager maker Estrella Galicia for creating Madri, a fake Spanish beer.

Before the Madri bosses could even say “by-eck-you-bull-torturing-paella-munchers”, Estrella doubled down by also accusing them of potentially confusing customers.

The media scrutiny into beer origins has also revealed that the likes of Birra Moretti and Corona are also made in the UK, rather than imported from the territories they are marketed as being from.

After a few days, the Molson Coors comms team came out with the line you would expect. Basically, they played the sustainability and environment impact benefit card, and I salute them for this.

The power of good marketing is the winner in all of this, and I am just surprised that a politician did not try to jump on the beer bandwagon to try and score points from the potential international incident.

Want the solution to the Greggs sausage roll crumbs issue? Just Shake it Off!

What a win Greggs has had this week, thanks to our favourite Anti-Hero, Taylor Swift. There was a Blank Space in the catering options for her tour crew and so she began a Love Story with Greggs.

Never in the beige-food-gods Wildest Dreams did they think they would get such a famous order, but it turns out that her tour crew were Enchanted with the brand. So, before she says So Long, London, she will be stocking up on steak bakes and pizza slices. Great PR for Greggs, a truly iconic British band.

D-Day landings commemoration is the PR win of the week

Nothing that I could write could do the D-Day commemorations justice. A truly heroic feat carried out by truly heroic people. Obviously, this was more than just a PR win; it is an iconic moment in history.

The British government choosing to send our heroes back over on a tatty old ferry instead of a slightly more slick warship or boat was a bit of a surprise, but needs to be ignored.

What can’t be ignored is the truly global reach of the commemorations, and I am sure that in another 80 years, they will still be celebrated as vibrantly. Great PR for all involved.

Written by Andy Barr, owner of 10 Yetis Digital. Got it right or wrong? I don’t really care, but do feel free to let me know. You can find me over on The Twittering X, @10Yetis. Hoorah, thank you and, onwards.

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