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The most influential people in the UK automotive sector

As part of a series of new features, we’ve teamed up with the guys at Onalytica to identify the most influential people in various verticals.

First up we’ve ranked the most influential people in the automotive sector. The table below shows influencers in automotive industry, not just people who talk about cars!

Onalytica took this list from their Influencer Relationship Management (IRM) software with circa 200 UK Automotive influencers and have ranked them based on interactions from other people in the programme. So there are some on this ranking with a small number of followers but they are getting engagement from other important people - which is why they are on the list.

Rank Name Handle Description Impressions  Relevance Resonance Reach Location
1 Peter Campbell @Petercampbell1 Motor Industry Correspondent at the @FT. Opinions mine. 434400 100 64.71889961 4344 London
2 Andy Palmer @AndyatAston President and Chief Executive Officer. Aston Martin Lagonda Ltd. 62846 7 55.91087695 8978 UK
3 Peter Elliott @futureofmovemnt Discovering the likely winners/losers of the $5+ trillion autonomous movement revolution. 63240 34 35.96043245 1860 London
4 Quentin Willson @QuentinWillson Motoring journalist, broadcaster, TV presenter. Co-partner in @FairFuelUK and saved the UK £100b in fuel duty 189972 12 35.87880236 15831 London / Warwickshire
5 Dean Johnson @activrightbrain Head of Innovation @HelloBrandwidth, @StereocastVr co-host, Designer, Presenter, Writer, Dad, TEDx Speaker. #Automotive #Design #VR #IoT #Industry40 Influencer. 1846504 22 30.95481274 83932 Surrey/London/LA/SF/Cupertino
6 Steve John Clarke @steveclarke64 Marketing professional working in the #fuelcard industry , helping businesses save on their diesel & petrol fuel costs, loving life in the Cotswolds #Eastleach 129956 53 30.95481274 2452 Cotswolds, Gloucestershire
7 James Richardson @JARichardson1 Features Editor for @BusinessCar. Mad keen on cars, cricket, music and @Arsenal. All views my own, natch. 5517 9 30.95481274 613 London
8 Steve Nash @SteveN_IMI Chief Executive Officer at the Institute of the Motor Industry 5920 8 26.76488584 740 Hertford
9 Julian Rendell @jrendell Cars. Journalist. Expect ramblings on  rugby, cricket, Wales, aircraft. 51273 27 24.5402928 1899 London, England
10 David Ward @DavidDjward Secretary General @globalncap, Senior Fellow @towardszerofdn, ex DG @FIAFdn & Adviser Rt Hon John Smith MP. Views personal. RTs not necessarily endorsements. 1185340 970 22.96098051 1222 United Kingdom
11 Dean Slavnich @deanslavnich Car journalist specialising in sustainable transportation, engine tech, electric and hybrid vehicles, automotive engineering and design. Views mine or stolen! 30814 31 17.55302451 994 London
12 Darren Moss @darren_moss Deputy Editor of @whatcar website and contributor to @autocar. Also theatre performer with @brostc. Cars and stage in equal measure. Instagram: darrenmoss1989 31760 10 17.37033437 3176 Greater London
13 Martyn Briggs @BriggsMartyn Industry Principal at Frost & Sullivan - Automotive & Transportation, researching & advising on the Future of Urban Mobility 20628 18 13.17631532 1146 London
14 Nick Reed @nreed_trl TRL Academy Director leading on science and innovation. Main interests are driver behaviour, driving simulators and autonomous vehicles. 95912 76 10.60916863 1262 Wokingham, UK
15 SimonPorter @simonlporter Leading influencer in #cloud, #bigdata & #IOT. Enabling business to adapt to disruption with agile #HR. WW VP #DigitalHR @NGA Human Resources. Views are my own 10766695 85 9.8583199 126667 London

Here are the definitions of the KPIs used in the table above.

The PageRank based methodology we use to extract influencers on a particular topic (e.g. posts mentioning Sport OR Performance AND Jaguar) takes into account the number and quality of contextual references that a user receives. These calculations also take into account a user's resonance (how much engagement they are driving), relevance (number of posts on topic), reach (number of followers) and reference (how often they are referenced by other influencers). If you want to learn more, please read this article from Onalytica that outlines their approach to influencer identification.

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