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Reputations Communications’ Lucy Goodwin starts work before she gets to work

A day in the life of Lucy Goodwin,director at agency Reputation Communications.

My day

6.45am: Alarm clock – I’m not a morning person and tea is required before any cerebral activity is attempted. Then an early check of my emails as we have some US-based clients, so a quick response to anything that’s come in overnight.

7am: The Today programme starts my day for a check-in with the latest headlines – always entertaining and sometimes frustrating to listen to the latest public figures being held to account by the brilliant Nick Robinson.

9am: At my desk, but already feel that I’ve put in a couple of hours’ work, responding to emails and reading the newspapers online. As we have a number of radio clients, we normally have the radio on most of the day, listening via the Radioplayer app (a client).

9.30am: As our name suggests, we deal with a lot of crisis and reputational issues. Our crisis division is approached by a prominent businessman who is experiencing some high-profile issues having an adverse impact on his reputation and ability to conduct business. It’s always exciting handling crisis and issues and our MD takes the lead.

10.30am: Conference call with a media client and its marketing team in preparation for a product launch coming up in the next few weeks. The video brochures we’ve ordered to accompany the launch have just arrived in the office and we spend some time oohing and ahhing – they look very slick!

1pm: Pit-stop for lunch – I always try and get outside for some fresh air and it’s time well spent – some of my best thinking occurs whilst walking.

1.45pm: Despite it being the first week back in the office after the Christmas break, we have two new business pitches we’re working on, plus we’ve been asked to present credentials for an international project which will be very exciting if we proceed to stage two. Our creds documents are reviewed and decisions made on the best case studies to put forward. Then a team brainstorming session and some creative thinking for our new business pitch. We do a lot of work in the financial sector and the latest business pitch is for an innovative financial company that’s doing things differently – but as a consequence, is rocking a few boats. It needs somebody to help build its profile and smooth a few waves.

3.45pm: A catch-up with our SEO agency – some good news – many of our vital statistics have gone up – but disappointingly, some have gone in the wrong direction. We have a quick team meeting to discuss marketing activities, website content and what tweaks we need to make to improve upon gains and reverse number falls.

4pm: Hard yards on the laptop – at RepComms we pride ourselves on delivering a senior team to execute all client business – there are no juniors – but this means knuckling down to the nitty-gritty. Fortunately, or unfortunately depending on your waistline, there is plenty of left-over chocolate around to keep me fuelled – washed down with several mugs of tea of course!

6pm: A catch-up with the other directors on the business of the day, then, in theory, down tools. But as a founding member of RepComms, there never really is down-time – once the kids are in bed, I’ll spend some time polishing our new business pitch and much to my family’s ire – the iPhone is never far away for a quick check of emails…

Article written by Lucy Goodwin, director at agency Reputation Communications

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