“I had to switch off to avoid burn out” says Nik Govier formerly of Unity

PR is a stressful business and it is important to look after yourself both mentally and physically. In the first of a new series that explores the best ways to stay healthy, Nik Govier, formerly of Unity, describes how she kept her head, and her health, through making three key changes to her lifestyle.

Why I had to switch off to avoid burn out

I was close to burn out. The classic archetype that couldn’t get the balance right. I’d worked damn hard in my 20s, then had kids in my 30s, but didn’t adjust my work life. So was then working as hard, but sleeping less and having no down time. And was also addicted to every device meaning I was always on.

But then one day I said enough. I would carve out an hour of exercise a week, I’d get home to eat with kids at 6pm every night and – the hardest to instil and maintain – I wouldn’t look at emails after 6pm. If there was a major problem someone would call surely.

I’m proud to say I kept this up for a good few years – right up until I left Unity. And nobody died, no client was underserviced, no pitch wasn’t done in time. Granted I’m an early riser and would have caught up by 7am – but I’d found a formula that worked for me. I was healthier, happier and able to better serve my team and clients and was also a better friend, wife and parent. The formula is different for everyone, but I know for sure that doing more definitely can mean less if you’re stretched too thin to be effective.

Article written by Nik Govier, Co-founder of Unity

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