It’s a social-media day for Christian Millar at Mercieca

Even at the gym, Christian Millar, senior account executive at Mercieca , checks Twitter, and then his day ends with a Facebook meeting

My day

Even at the gym, Christian Millar, senior account executive at Mercieca , checks Twitter, and then his day ends with a Facebook meeting – highlighting how you can’t afford to switch off from social media if you work in comms.

6am – Wake up, kettle on and straight into the shower. Quick peppermint tea, followed by a protein shake, before heading to the gym.

6.30am – The gym consists of a mixture of weights and cardio – and I end up checking Twitter and news sites in between sets!

7.45am – Definitely my least-favourite part of the day, crushed on a Central Line train before the relative luxury of the Stratford to Camden Road Overground. The only saving grace is the uninterrupted period of social media; seeing what’s trending and replying to any early risers’ tweets/posts for my clients.

8.30/8.45am – I fire up my laptop and load the various tools I will need throughout the day. These include social-media platform Falcon where I can listen, engage and schedule our clients’ content.

9am – Time to check the day’s newspapers, and what everyone is up to today, with the rest of the PR team. We’ll pull out news to hijack opportunities as well as latest coverage.

9.30am – Social media brainstorm working up ideas for Brooks Running’s three social platforms: Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. It’s important that each platform has tailored content to the audience we have built up, so a lot of ideas are discussed well in advance.

10.30am – Straight into a prep meeting for a conference call with our client CocoPro, a high-protein coconut water. We have a call at 11am to take the client through our proposal for an exciting launch that covers trade PR, social media influencers and consumer PR.

11am – Just enough time to do some proactive engagement for both Sellotape and Brooks on social media whilst enjoying my 11am apple, today it was more like my 10.52am apple. We dial in and talk CocoPro through our research, rationale and ideas.

1pm – Time for some lunch and to catch up on what has happened throughout the morning in the news. Mail Online (the sport pages) is my first port of call before checking out any rumours about incoming Stoke City signings.

2pm – Take the opportunity to brief in latest social content to our production manager. All of our content is created in-house, so briefings can be quite detailed if we’re creating video or animation.

4pm – Head out to a meeting at Facebook to catch up with its content team. Always key to ensure we’re on top of latest trends and changes.

7pm – Arrive home knowing there’s some football on the TV and an inevitable negotiation with my girlfriend as to the terms of me watching the game.

9.30pm – Thai Green Curry finished and a bottle of beer in hand, time to hold up my part of the deal with an hour of Love Island (which I secretly enjoy), before heading to bed.

Article written by Christian Millar, sports and consumer PR senior account executive at communications agency Mercieca

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