Cool tunes to help you through your day selected by Josh Hinton from PR agency LEWIS

This week’s tunes to get you through your day are from Josh Hinton, account executive at PR agency LEWIS. Here are the top five tracks that get me through me day: 

  1. ‘Brain Matter’ by St. Paul & The Broken Bones
    A good one to get the day going. They’re a soul band from Alabama, and it’s a seriously beautiful piece of music. It starts off rhythmically, but then descends into the smoothest groove. Paul Janeway’s vocals are unreal – catch them live if you can.

  2. ‘Freazy’ by Wolf Alice
    They’ve become the darlings of Radio 1 recently, but they’re a grunge band at heart, with some 80s synth-y melodies mixed in. This song is very upbeat and trippy – it perks you up without being too syrupy.

  3. ‘When I’m With You’ by The London Souls
    An American duo, ironically. They play soulful blues rock, but they’re much more interesting than what you’re now imagining. This track reminds me of commuting to work in the fog when I first started at LEWIS. Good times…

  4. ‘Lemonade Lake’ by Jungle
    One of those bands who sound like no one else. There’s a lot of funk, trance and sampling in there, but it all sounds very organic and compelling. It was playing as I watched the sun come up on my last day at uni. Very inspiring as you hit the 3pm slump.

  5. ‘Inner City Blues’ by Marvin Gaye
    A classic to finish. Maybe a counter-productive title, but it’s a wonderful song. There’s a really sultry bass line tying it all together throughout, and some beautiful strings and vocal harmonies. The whole thing has a really driving, but melancholy edge. A good one to ease you out of Monday.

Playlist by Josh Hinton, account executive at PR agency LEWIS

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