At last! A PR cat!

We have introduced you to many gorgeous dogs who work in PR, so it’s good to end this series of Pets in PR with a feline star. Anna Pedroza, director at agency Pedroza Communications, talks about the cutest member of the team: “Palmerston at the Foreign Office, Larry at Number 10, Ossie and Evie at the Cabinet Office, all the great offices of state realise that cats make for good government, and at Pedroza Communications we agree. Ada, named after Ada Lovelace the first computer scientist, goes on manoeuvres each morning to keep abreast of operations, monitor activity levels, and ensure we are mouse free.

“Although we may not be part of the government of the day, Ada recognises that we play a key role in helping our clients build new markets, expand existing ones or strengthen their reputation. She feeds into planning by sprawling on the desks, contributes to filing by reorganising paper clips, and occasionally pounces on unwary typing fingers.

“Once her patrols are complete, she settles into a mid-morning snooze, a lunchtime dose and an afternoon sleep content that good government, or at least good PR, is underway and we can manage for another day.”

The benefits of having animals wandering around the office, non-human animals that is, are great. So we hope you have enjoyed meeting some of the many animal heroes who work in PR.

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