A Big Dog: Paco is this week’s PR pet…

Our PR pet this week is a dog called Paco who works at agency Kin Communications as chief relaxation officer. Paco gives the case for all offices having a dog. We are not sure he managed to write this all on his own, but no one else at Kin is putting their hands (or paws) up!

“My name’s Paco, and I work at Kin Communications. We’re a PR company that specialise in awareness campaigns. It’s not surprising that my favourite time is Bring Your Dog to Work Day, but I’m also a big fan of National Picnic Week, as it gets me out of the office. They’re a fun way of raising awareness of anything from dogs like me to serious topics like health and Small Business Advice. We use them to help get information to the public up and down the country across all media including radio.

“We’re a creative bunch and I love getting involved in our regular brainstorms often held on the company roof terrace. Even if I don’t help with the ideas, just being there means I help keep everyone positive and enthusiastic.

“Managing everything from concept to coverage can be quite stressful. That’s where I come in to take the lead as chief relaxation executive for the office. I’m in charge of making sure everyone is happy, which is much easier when there’s a dog in the company. A study by Banfield Pet Hospitals found that 82% of employees feel a greater sense of loyalty to pet-friendly companies, 88% think pets at work improve morale, and 86% say they reduce stress.

“Everyone here definitely appreciates all my hard work: I’m the reason everyone doesn’t go barking mad.” 

Do you have a pet that should feature in PRmoment? Email daneyparker@prmoment.com

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