PRmoment Leaders PRCA PA Mediapoint PA Mediapoint PA Assignments ESG & Sustainability Awards 2024 PRmoment Masterclass: Agency Growth Forum

What is creativity in public relations?

Location: The Forrest Room the Hospital Club, Covent Garden
Organiser: PRmoment events
Price: Free for in-house PR folks

Why attend?: More clients than ever say creativity is fundamental  in hiring and retaining an agency.  But creativity is subjective: what one person thinks is totally brilliant another will think is fluff and off brief.  So how do in-house comms teams sell creative ideas to non-creative internal audiences to get their buy in? Are agencies and clients even talking the same language when it comes to creativity?  How creative do businesses REALLY want to be and what does creativity mean to clients and their organisation? Find out at this event…

Due to high demand, we have to limit the number of tickets per organisation to three. Please note this seminar is part of our series of events for in-house communicators only.  If agency delegates register I'm afraid we will have to cancel your ticket - sorry!



Delegate registration, drinks and informal networking




Chairpersons welcome
Ben Smith, Founder, PRmoment




Are agencies and clients even talking the same language when it comes to creativity? 
Stuart Yeardsley, Creative Director, 3 Monkeys Zeno

  • How creative do businesses REALLY want to be? 
  • What does creativity mean to clients and their organisation?
  • Is it a great news story and fab media relations or it is a big idea that really innovates and pushes boundaries?
  • Is it possible to be too creative?

Why creativity in PR has to be compelling, not an add on
Sam Hodges, Senior Comms Manager, Twitter

  •  Why creativity in PR can’t be a separate box
  • Creativity in PR shouldn’t be artistic, it should be creativity with purpose
  • Why PR people’s understanding of the news agenda give them an unfair advantage in producing creative content
  • Understanding the creative challenges of your content distribution channels

Panel: Your creativity stakeholders: understanding what creativity means for your business

Helen Lacey, Director of External Communications, Barclaycard

Stuart Yeardsley, Creative Director, 3 Monkeys Zeno

Sam Hodges, Senior Comms Manager, Twitter



Chairpersons summing up


Drinks, canapes and informal networking

8.40pm Close of event

This event is produced in partnership with 3 Monkeys Zeno. Neither PRmoment nor 3 Monkeys Zeno will share delegate details with any other third parties.