The consumerisation of B2B communications

Location: The Hospital Club, London
Organiser: PRmoment events
Price: Tickets are free for in-house PR/comms/marketing folks

Why attend: Digital and social media have changed B2B communications. This seminar will examine the modern requirements of business to business marketing from defining your USP, to understanding the best channel for your customers, to building your business development community

Due to high demand, we have to limit the number of tickets per organisation to three. 

Please note this seminar is part of our series of events for in-house communicators only.  If agency delegates register I'm afraid we will have to cancel your ticket - sorry!

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Coffee, fruit, croissants and informal networking 


Chairpersons Introduction
Ben Smith, Founder,


The consumerisations of B2B communications
Chas Moloney, Marketing Director, Ricoh


Being different in B2B
Billy Hamilton-Stent, Client Strategy Director, The Octopus Group

  • How to use customer insight to formulate a differentiating B2B strategy
  • Why B2B marcomms strategies must strike the right balance between engaging customers and internal stakeholders
  • How to use comms to execute on differentiation and build brand advocacy
Panel Discussion: Do we need business to business or people to people communications?

- Paul de Lara, Corporate Communications Lead, Infosys
- Chas Moloney, Marketing Director, Ricoh
- Billy Hamilton-Stent, Client Strategy Director, The Octopus Group
- Wander Bruijel, Global Assurance Brand, Marketing & Communications Director, EY





Chairpersons closing remarks

  Coffee, fruit, croissants and informal networking