For the full speaker program, please scroll down beneath the form below.
If you have problems booking this conference, or require further information, please call on 01962 832542 or Our offices are open 9am to 5.30pm Monday to Friday.
The address for this seminar is: 35-41 Folgate Street, London, E1 6BX
I love PRmoment events. They’re perfectly formed, tackling important issues, with excellent content and speakers. The set-up is great – a full morning of quality presentations, a bit of networking and you’re back in the office with half the day still left. And the speakers are strong – a combination of ‘big names’ and new faces. I’ve stopped looking at the topic and line-up now, I just book. Because I know that attending a PR Moment event will be a morning well spent. Highly recommended. Richard Fogg, Managing Director, CCGroup
Registration, coffee & croissants
Chairperson's Introduction
Ben Smith, Founder, PRmoment
An Evolution From Messaging, to Narrative to Storytelling Denise Kaufmann, Partner, CEO, Ketchum London
How has brand storytelling evolved?
How can you take a brand narrative and create stories?
How to make your story engaging
Who owns the story – and does it matter?
What makes a story shareable?
The Importance of Influencers in Telling Your Story
Adam Parker, Founder, Lissted
The roles influencers play in storytelling
What really makes someone influential?
How to identify relevant influencers
Why listening to the right people is crucial when crafting your story
The Story You Don’t Want to Hear…
Dave Stevens, Marketing Director, British Land
5 Reasons why good marketing is not about good story-telling
Where this story-telling fad really came from
Why it won’t all end happily ever after
Coffee and informal networking
Three: Telling the Story of a Challenger Brand
Hugh Davies, Corporate Affairs Director, Three
How a challenger brand must create the story, not just tell it
Why you must work with marketing and the brand teams to determine the story
Why a mix of long term and short term stories is important
How making strategy interesting is the name of the game
How to co-ordinate and plan the storytelling cycle of a large organisation like Three
How eBay Changed their Story
Clare Moore Bridger, Head of Corporate Communications, UK, eBay
What do you do when your story, the essence of what brought you fame and fortune, changes?
How do you retain your heritage as well as landing a new narrative?
How has eBay done this with its 'new eBay' retail and technology story over the past few years
Should have gone to Specsavers: Using Memes to Engage Consumers in a Fun and Entertaining Way
Tim Langlois, Digital Marketing Manager, Specsavers
How to use memes and news themes to engage consumers in a fun and entertaining way
The sign off process: Why speed is very important
How awareness of Specsavers has increased since this campaign began
Why brand communications must become more agile and embrace risk
MH370: Storytelling in a Crisis Situation Chris McLaughlin, Senior Vice President, Inmarsat plc
The art of storytelling is as old as society and digital has changed nothing
Why in a complex and changing story, like MH370, you must not get ahead of the story
How Inmarsat told a narrative while not crossing into fantasy
How the thirst for content, created by the 24 hour news agenda, must be balanced against the need for clear, factual information
Where lives are lost, there is nothing more damaging for a brand than to use that to commercial advantage
Chairperson's closing remarks
Ben Smith, Founder, PRmoment