Storytelling: The role of public relations as a content provider

Location: Ketchum, 35-41 Folgate St London E1 6BX
Price: From £155 + vat

If you have problems booking this conference, or require further information, please call on 01962 832542 or email Our offices are open 9am - 5.30pm Monday to Friday. Please note we can also take credit card bookings on our booking hotline number 01962 832542.

Ketchum, 35-41 Folgate St  London E1 6BX

Testimonials from previous PRmoment Conferences:

"A big thank you for the conference today. This was my first PRmoment event and I have to say I am very impressed. All the speakers offered really great insights from a variety of angles, without straying from the main subject. I would definitely attend another PRmoment course and recommend them to colleagues and connections." Rebecca Lee, Chillisauce

"Thank you for organising a terrific conference. I hate conferences which are usually a load of old codgers telling each other how great they are. This was a genuine "you don't know what you don't know" moment for me and I've already made arrangements to work with two of the speakers to improve my agency." John Williams, CEO of Mason Williams Communications

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8.30am Registration and informal networking
9.00am Chairperson's introduction
Ben Smith, Founder,

Case study: The role of content in Moneysupermarket’s online strategy
Clare Francis, Editor In Chief, Moneysupermarket

  • Brand journalism: Why it can’t be ignored
  • Content marketing: The role of content in SEO, customer engagement and driving sales
  • Why it’s all about the customer
  • Which content works with readers?

How Capgemini are using content to populate their new business pipelines
Tom Barton Head of Communications, Capgemini

  • How Capgemini have created a compelling case to get their experts blogging
  • How has this internal behaviour change occurred
  • Why an omni-channel approach to social has proved to be successful in populating the new business pipeline
  • Why an emphasis on people has been vital
  • Why a mix of video, visual and written content is important across LinkedIn, Facebook, Slideshare, LinkedIn and Twitter
  • How Capgemini is partnering with LinkedIn to provide content to fuel LinkedIn’s communities
10.20am PR agencies and content production
Stephen Waddington, Digital and Social Media Director, Ketchum

  • Why PR people no longer look or act like PR people
  • How and why PR agencies must now hire video producers and designers
  • Why content needs to be short, sharp and often instant
  • How to produce real-time content - Client guidelines and the approval process
  • How good real-time content requires small teams of empowered multi skilled people
0.55am Informal networking, Coffee and refreshments  
11.15am How Greater Manchester Police have developed an App to help them communicate and engage with their community
Kevin Hoy, PR Manager, Greater Manchester Police

  • Why did Greater Manchester Police launch an App?
  • What content is on the App?
  • How does the App alert the community to crimes and police appeals?
  • How does the App use location based technology?
  • How can the community use the App to access police services?
  • What has been the take up of the App so far?
  • How has the App helped improve front line policing?
11.45am How the Met Office is using content to build its brand and increase engagement with the British public
Dee Cotgrove, Director of Communications,  Met Office

  • How the Met Office is using content through earned media to build its brand
  • How the Met Office is using content to build trust
  • Why the British weather is the perfect content for social media
  • How has the Met Office used content to create communities on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.
  • Content production – how the Met Office uses video and infographics to engage with people
  • Why is a community based approach, based upon increased familiarity and trust, important for the Met Office?

How can you understand the value of your content marketing?
Richard Bagnall, Chair AMEC Social Media Group, Member CIPR Social Media Panel

  • Why your content should be driven by your audience
  • Why your content strategy must be tracked back to actions
  • Understanding the role of influencers and content – why does some content go viral?
  • How to create an integrated approach to measurement
  • How to link your content to your objectives – be that sales, enquiries, website impressions etc

How O2 use humour to engage with customers through social media
Emma Hart, Head of PR and Kristian Lorenzon, Head of Social, O2

  • Why do O2 use humour to engage with customers through social media?
  • Do O2 have a resident comedian?
  • What are the guidelines of using humour?
  • What are the benefits and what are the risks of using comedy content?
  • In a crisis situation – how does O2 respond to every @ Tweet and what are the benefits of this approach?
1.15pm Chairperson's closing remarks
Ben Smith, Founder,
1.20pm Buffet lunch and coffee