Social Media in B2B Communications

Location: 35-41 Folgate Street, London, London E1 6BX
Organiser: PRmoment conferences
Price: From £160 + VAT

For the full speaker line up, see table below the booking form.

 8.30 am

Registration, coffee, croissants and networking

9.10 am

Chairs opening remarks

Imogen Lee, Communication Director, Eversheds

  • Is a different approach required for social media in B2B communications?
  • Is there a social media channel for B2B communications that is better than any other? 
9.15 am

Which social media channels work in a B2B context and why is an integrated approach vital?

Tariq Ahmed, European Comms Manager, CA Technologies

  • Facebook for B2B communications? Our customers are on Facebook, therefore we need to be there too
  • How can you produce and distribute social media content for your international comms teams to use?
  • Integrated social media communications: What does the comms team do and what does the marketing team do?
  • How to use social media to maximise the opportunities of B2B events

 9.40 am

An App to communicate with B2B stakeholders
Why PwC launched an App

Nick Masters, Head of Online, PwC 

  • Why did PWC decide to launch an App?
  • How did they make it relevant for their different audiences?
  • What content did they use?
  • What were the results?  Was the PwC App a success?
  • Lessons: What were learnt along the way?
10.05 am

Evaluation and Measurement

Social Media Measurement Best Practice

Richard Bagnall, Managing Director, Metrica

  • A Toolkit for Social Media Evaluation
  • How to Integrate your Social Media Evaluation with your Marketing Measurement
  • How do you measure success in social media?
  • How do you measure outcomes from a social media campaign?

 10.25 am

How to build B2B communities using Social Media
Gianni Catalfamo, European Director of Social Media and Digital,
Ketchum Pleon
  • Methodology in action: A guide to building a social media community
  • How to use social media as a business development tool
  • Which social media channels most effectively build a community?
  • How to link social media activity to sales and ROI
 10.45 am

Networking break
11.00 am

Panel Debate:
Why content is the most critical part of a social media campaign

  • What type of content works for your B2B social media channels?
  • How can B2B communicators adapt content for Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook and other social media channels?

Chaired by Imogen Lee, Communication Director, Eversheds

Tariq Ahmed, European Comms Manager, CA Technologies

Nick Masters, Head of Online, PwC

Gianni Catalfamo, European Director of Social Media and Digital,
Ketchum Pleon



11.30 am

Case Study Zone:
Deloitte’s tech and media campaigns

Laura Parsons and Claire Sheehan, Deloitte

What were the objectives of the campaign? Why an integrated media approach worked

How did different audiences respond to different content?
Why storytelling is important to gain multiple traction points in social media
What were the results of this year’s campaign?

11.55 am

B2B presence on Twitter and Facebook is a wasted effort

Nick Garner, Head of Search, Unibet

  • Facebook and Twitter are brand stimulators; they do not really affect buying decisions
  • The information customers find on Google affects buying decisions
  • In most purchasing cycles there is a research phase, this is where B2B commerce can be influenced
  • How to increase the level of customer feedback online and how to make this prominent
  • How to use SEO and PR to influence the buyer’s research stage
12.20 pm

How and why Psion decided to build their own social media platform

If you build it, will they come?

Jonathan Brayshaw, Global Leader, Digital Communications and Social Business, Psion PLC

  • Why Psion's social media community is their product development program, their customer service mechanism and their business development tool
  • How Psion developed a social media community of 12,000 registered users with 60,000 unique visits a month
  • Why Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn are only the front door
  • Why content generation is vital for a B2B social media community
12.40 pm

How important is social media for business

Adele Gritten, Head of Financial Services and Media, YouGov


  • What are the results of good social media in business?
  • What types of social media activity work best for business?
  • Case study: Use of Social Media in the Financial Services Sector
13.05 pm

Chairs closing remarks

Imogen Lee, Communication Director, Eversheds