PR Analytics conference

Location: Ketchum, London
Organiser: PRmoment
Price: From £155 +VAT

For too long, PR professionals the world over have been guilty of not measuring the impact and outcomes of their work. But times are changing. The insight opportunities offered by online and social media, not to mention internal requirements to show return on investment, means that there is a commercial advantage to ensuring that you measure and analyse the impact of your public relations.

For the full speaker program of the conference, please scoll down beneath the booking form below.

If you have problems booking this conference, or require further information please call on 01962 832542 or email Our offices are open 9am - 5.30pm Monday to Friday. Please note we can also take credit card bookings on our booking hotline number 01962 832542.

Ketchum, 35-41 Folgate Street, E1 6BX London, United Kingdom

Testimonials from previous PRmoment Conferences:

"From my personal perspective, it was one of the best conferences I've attended, with a really relaxed and open atmosphere." Betony Taylor, Media Relations Manager, HSBC

"An excellent range of speakers delivering top value, plus first-rate 'on the day' organisation - actually running to time. I learned a great deal from the real-world experiences shared." Magnus Carter, Chairman, Mentor Consultancy

8.30am Registration, coffee, croissants and informal networking  
8.55am Chairperson's introduction

Barry Leggetter, Executive Director, AMEC


The great public relations measurement scandal
David Rockland, Partner/CEO, Global Research and Ketchum Change, Chairman of the International Association for Measurement and Evaluation of Communication (AMEC)

  • Why are the majority of PR campaigns still not properly evaluated?
  • What are the top ten excuses PR professionals give not to measure?
  • Why clients are driving the change towards robust evaluation

How PR can be measured as part of an integrated marketing solution
David Brimson, Regional Director Sales and Marketing – Europe, McLaren Automotive

  • Why PR's role as part of an integrated marketing solution has become more important
  • How the impact of PR can be measured in a comparable way to database marketing, advertising and events
  • Why PR must have a strategic role – otherwise it’s measurement becomes impossible
  • Why PR has a vital role to play in the purchasing process for McLaren Automotive
  • How McLaren Automotive link their PR activity to commercial goals
9.55am Social Media Measurement: Why all your old PR measurement criteria are dead

Richard Bagnall, Chairman, AMEC Social Media Measurement Group

  • How can you remove the bulls**t from social media measurement?
  • Why measurement is easy, it’s the measurement planning that is difficult
  • Measurement of ROI: If the PR person doesn’t know their ROI, compared to the direct mail or the ad guy, you’ll pretty look stupid
  • Get on with your lives: Why there will never be a measurement silver bullet and why you should stop looking
10.20am Google Analytics illustrates that PR delivers customers who are likely to spend money more on your website that pay per click or natural search

Andrew Smith, Director, Escherman

  • Why the quality of traffic driven by PR to websites is higher than other channels
  • How through Google Analytics PR people can demonstrate the value of social media channels in terms of sales, not merely through website traffic
  • How you can use Google Analytics to track the interaction patterns of your customers to your website
  • How can you use Google Analytics to define which digital channels are producing ROI?
  • Why PROs must educate journalists on the value of links to their readers
10.50am Networking coffee break  
11.15am The Measurement for Informed Action

Kimberly Bowman, Senior Adviser - Performance & Effectiveness Campaigns & Policy Division, Oxfam GB, Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning Lead, Oxfam International

  • Connecting action to impact - use of logic models
  • Measuring campaign communications - different approaches
  • Putting measurement to work
  • Observations on what's worked and what hasn't

Moving PR measurement from a back-covering exercise to a real time business strategy insight tool: How the analysis of social media insight empowers the real time decision making of brands
Mark Westaby, Founder, Spectrum Insight

  • How to use real time analysis of Facebook and Twitter to inform your communications strategy
  • Defining the seven different types of emotion shown in social media
  • How brands are linking social media emotion to sale
  • How real time social media insight data can inform crisis management and be used to predict outcomes

Understanding social media influencers
Nicolas Chabot, VP Europe, Traackr

  • Why influencer marketing requires PR professionals to engage real people with real content – it is not a new form of direct marketing
  • How to define a social media influencer, as opposed to someone who just talks a lot about your brand
  • Why defining who you want to engage with is the most important element of influencer marketing
  • How can PR professionals understand the social media footprint of influencers?
  • How you can listen to the conversations of your target influencers in real time

How does eBay measure the success of its external public relations and internal communications?
Ben Matthews, Head of Strategic Communications, eBay

  • How does eBay use scorecards to measure its internal and external communications?
  • Which business directional metrics does eBay use to inform the C suite?
  • Why doesn't eBay attempt to measure the ROI of its external communications?
  • How does eBay measure the cut-through of its brand narrative?
  • Why doesn't eBay use origin statistics to measure the ROI of its external communications?
  • How has eBay has developed a model to directly link internal communications engagement to ROI?
12.55pm Chairperson's closing remarks

Barry Leggetter, Executive Director, AMEC

1.05pm Lunch and informal networking      
2.00pm Close of conference  

Please note: Unlike many other PR conferences, none of our speakers pay for the privilege of speaking. They are all chosen by our editorial department because of their expert opinion. We do this because we believe that if delegates are paying to attend a conference, there is a conflict of interest if the speakers have paid to speak.

Also, just to reassure you, PRmoment does not share delegate details with any third parties.