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PR Analytics 2020

Location: Ketchum, Bankside 3, 90 Southwark St, London SE1 0SW
Organiser: PRmoment Events
Price: Tickets sold out

Why attend

Hear the latest on how data is being used in modern communications from both an agency and in-house perspective.

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This event is now sold out.

8.30am Registration, coffee, croissants and fruit  
8.55am Chairpersons introduction
Ben Smith, Founder


Why creativity needs effectiveness and effectiveness needs creativity
Gemma Moroney, Head of Insight & Strategy, Mischief PR

  • Why good data, leading to good insight, means good creativity
  • What type of data tends to lead to a good creative outcome?
  • When creativity delivers impact
9.25am Case study: How better insight analytics and a digital approach to
PR has transformed the comms strategy and contributed to increasing
sales for Canagan pet food
- James Milbourne, Managing Director, Canagan
- Sarah Evans Senior Digital Strategist, Bottle
  • Understanding the intersection of digital PR and e-commerce
  • How to understand your digital audience
  • The tools to use in the planning stages of campaigns
  • The KPIs to measure the success of campaigns

Understanding the five different data stacks that agencies need for integrated public relations work
Jonny Bentwood, Global Head of Data & Analytics, Golin

  • Why you now need 5 types of vendors for integrated public relations
  • How to integrate your measurement data
  • Should agencies attempt to build their own measurement IP?
  • A glimpse to the future: using AI modelling to predict future communication trends and events


Panel: How to choose the right measurement tool/vendor
- Roxanna Uddin, Account Executive, EMEA, Meltwater
- Stéphan Israël, Head of Customer Excellence, Vuelio
- Darika Ahrens, Digital Director, MHP Communications


  • What's better for you? A single source supplier covering all of your data points or multiple point based solutions?
  • What's more critical for you: speed or accuracy?
  • Do you want minute coverage detail or trends?
  • Which channels do you want to measure?
  • Do you want a dashboard or do you want to be able to speak to measurement consultants?
  • How much money do you need to spend?
  • Can tools help you measure outputs, outtakes, outcomes and impact?


Networking break, coffee and mid morning snack


Case Study: Real time campaign measurement and cross channel attribution modelling
Tarcey Hubbard, Chief Research Officer, delineate

  • What is attribution modelling?
  • Why measuring in real time across all channels is increasingly important for brands
  • How to model campaign ROI per channel
  • How to connect campaign measurement with brand diagnostics


A guide to AMEC’s M3 Measurement and Planning tool
Richard Bagnall, Chairman, AMEC and Global Co-Managing Partner, Carma

  • Understand your company's reporting: to what degree does the organisation measure communication outputs, outtakes and outcomes?
  • How to improve your communications planning
  • How to demonstrate impact from your communications 

Panel: An in-house perspective on PR's data journey
- Kristina Eriksson, Global Communications Director, Financial Times
- Lucy Linthwaite, External Media Relations Leader, IBM UK and Ireland

  • Where are you on your PR measurement journey?
  • Do you have internal data managers within your firm or do you use external tools?
  • What is PRs' role in navigating the customers acquisition journey?
  • To what extent do you integrate your data with marketing and the rest of the business?
  • Is your data focused on outputs, outtakes, outcomes or impact?
  • What does the CEO want from the communications team?

How the UK Government measures its communications
Claire Pimm, Director, Department for International Trade


Close of event

  A light buffet lunch will be served  

Please note:
Unlike most other PR conferences, none of our speakers pay for the privilege of speaking. They are all chosen by our editorial department because of their expert opinion. We do this because we believe that if delegates are paying to attend a conference, there is a conflict of interest if the speakers have paid to speak.

Also, just to reassure you, PRmoment does not share delegate details with any third parties.

This event is worth 20 points
towards the PRCA CPD