Internal Comms: The race for digital engagement seminar

Location: Bell Pottinger, 6th Floor, Holborn Gate, 26 Southampton Buildings, London, WC2A 1PB
Organiser: PRmoment conferences
Price: Free!

Organisations are prioritising internal comms today more than ever before. The combination of  difficult economic times, the challenges of today’s society and the requirement for firms to retain good people means that companies need to engage with their employees.

But what effect has social media and digital media channels had on this important and growing area of communications? PRmoment explores these issues and more at our Internal Comms: The race for digital engagement seminar.

For the full speaker line up, please see the timetable beneath the booking form.

We're sorry but no PR agencies or students for this one, in house communicators only.

Online Ticketing for Internal Comms: The race for digital engagement seminar powered by Eventbrite
 5.45pm 5.45pm Registration, drinks and canapés

Chairs opening remarks

Gavin Ellwood, Director, Ellwood and Atfield


The role communications plays in shaping change
Thomas Grondorf, Head of Communications, Maersk Oil

  • When Maersk Oil embarked on a change programme how did they engage their employees?
  • How consistency of business leader communications plays a vital role 
  • How a small communications team created an exciting message about company change to an international workforce
The value of a social media platform for employee, partner and customer collaboration
Jonathan Brayshaw, Global Leader, Digital Communications and Social Business, Psion PLC


  • How to build a social media platform that’s used by employees
  • How a joint employee and customer solution can work
  • How Psion’s social media platform plays an important role in employee collaboration, product development and customer service

What attributes and competencies do internal comms professionals need today?

Liam FitzPatrick, Head of Practice, Bell Pottinger Change and Internal Communications

  • Are the skill sets of internal and external communicators converging?
  • How relevant is social media to internal communicators?
  • The difference between communications and engagement in internal communications

Changing our approach to Internal Communications
Katy Hemmings, Head of Group Internal Communications, Tesco

  • How Tesco communicates with nearly half a million staff worldwide and 300,000 in the UK 
  • Why two way staff communication is now so important for Tesco  
  • The channels Tesco uses to communicate with staff
 7.35pm Chairs closing remarks
Gavin Ellwood, Director, Ellwood and Atfield

Further drinks will be served. The seminar will close at 8.15pm. Please note does not share delegate details with any third parties, including sponsors