Integration: The reality

Location: Hotwire, 69 Wilson Street, London, EC2A 2BB
Organiser: Hotwire PR
Price: Free. In house PR folks only

Why Attend this seminar?: The aim of the event is to showcase how in-house public relations teams are integrating their communications. How are the communications department and the marketing team  collaborating and how the roles of each redefined?

Please see the full programme below.

Due to high demand, we have to limit the number of tickets per organisation to three. Please note this seminar is part of our series of events for in-house communicators only.  If agency delegates register I'm afraid we will have to cancel your ticket - sorry!

8.30am Registration and informal networking
8.55am Chairpersons Introduction – Ben Smith, Founder, PRmoment
9.00am Integration: The reality
Neil Gordon-Henderson, Head of News, Which?
  • Why in house teams lead the integration curve
  • How effective modern communications must be integrated
  • Why integrated doesn’t mean every channel
  • Don’t forget the power of broadcast media

Direct Line’s integration journey
Claire Foster, PR Manager, Direct Line Insurance

  • Why brand PR and marketing have been merged into one department
  • How PR drives content creation in the marketing function
  • Integration in reality: Using the appropriate channels
  • The channel menu: PR, radio, TV, advertising, digital marketing, social
  • Case studies of an integrated approach: Direct Line’s “Modern Day Essentials” and the “#everydayfix” campaigns

Why are multi-channel marketing campaigns still not a reality
John Brown, Head of Engagement, Hotwire

  • What are the barriers to creating integrated campaigns
  • Which sectors have the most successful integration campaigns
  • How successfully are marketers using data
  • To what extent is the Paid, Earned, Shared, Owned (PESO) being applied
10.20am Chairperson closing remarks  

Informal networking, coffee and croissants and will be served



Close of seminar


This event is produced in partnership with Hotwire PR. Neither PRmoment nor Hotwire PR will share delegate details with any other third parties.