How Brands Use Facebook

Location: Ogilvy PR, Cabot Square, Canary Wharf, London, E14 4BA
Organiser: Conferences
Price: Free

How are brands using Facebook?

  • What is the future for brands on Facebook?
  • What content works well to encourage consumers to become fans of brands?
  • Why are brands using Facebook?

Contact: If you have problems booking this conference, or require further information please call Ben Smith on 01962 832 542, or email


The nearest tube station is Canary Wharf on the Jubilee Line or Canary Wharf on the DLR.

Both are about a 10 minute walk from Ogilvy PR's offices on Cabot Square.

Here is a map of the venue location.


5.30pm Registration, drinks and canapés

Chairs Opening Remarks
Stuart Smith, CEO, EAME Ogilvy Public Relations

How can brands use Facebook to effectively communicate with their stakeholders?


How Age UK uses Facebook to engage with their target audience
Rob Mansfield, Senior Digital Editor, Age UK

  • What are Age UK’s objectives from their Facebook fan page?
  • Why Age UK chose Facebook as a channel to reach their stakeholders
  • What content works well?
  • What level of engagement represents success?

How British Gas uses Facebook
Laura Price, Social Media Manager, British Gas

  • Why does British Gas have a fan page on Facebook?
  • What is the objective of the fan page?
  • What content is the most effective in driving engagement?
  • Why do consumers became a fan of British Gas on Facebook?

What type of organisation should have a Facebook Fan Page?
And which ones should not? 
James Whatley, Senior Associate Director, Ogilvy 360 Digital Influence

  • Are Facebook brand pages a fad, or a trend?
  • When is a Facebook page a good idea for a brand?
  • Will the day come when a brands Facebook pages are more important than their own websites?
7.30pm Chairs Closing Remarks
Stuart Smith, CEO, EAME Ogilvy Public Relations

Further drinks and canapes will be served between 7.30pm and 8pm.

How Brands Use Facebook is a conference, sponsored by Ogilvy PR