Lady Gaga tops the charts in this week’s PRplaylist

Long before I had dreams to work in PR, I aspired to be a backing dancer, which now means if I can shake a shoulder shimmer at my desk and daydream of my alternative career, I will do. Luckily, I am much better at PR than dancing and for me an office without music is a very uninspiring place. Just selecting my favourite five songs was very difficult so I went for an eclectic mix. Alas, my fave song of all time is not on Spotify…  

Perfect Illusion – Lady Gaga

My absolute guilty pleasure. Her documentary on Netflix was the best piece of PR (in my humble opinion) that she has done. Fell in love with her after watching it and THAT key change makes me grab the air every time.

La Ritournelle by Sebastien Tellier

Calm any frayed nerves with this little beauty, the violin is instantly soothing for those days when it’s all a bit hectic.  

Walking on a Dream by Empire of The Sun

This song is like driving in an open-top car on a hot summer’s day, my instant feel-good, desk-disco swayer.

Unfinished Symphony – Massive Attack

Deliciously cool. I love pounding the streets home listening to this one.

A Tribe Called Quest – Find a Way

My first ever job in PR was a work experience gig where I stayed for the whole summer at 17 for a music PR agency. I couldn’t believe that jobs where I could wear trainers and get free CDs could exist and this song was my soundtrack. I ended up doing my dissertation on the effects of black music on British society and I will always have a penchant for hip hop from that era and the Native Tongues movement.

Written by Lucy Werner, founder of PR consultancy The Wern

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